30 Day Challenge Update…and a Small Favor to Ask!

Hey there, lovelies!

So, life is crazy as usual, and I can’t complain. 🙂

This past weekend, I had Sean snap a few 30 Day Challenge photos for me lately:

Front View

Side view….only ONE ROLL! WOOO!


Big deal of the week? Sean and I participated in the Ben Bridge San Diego Diamond Dash this past weekend, and had a BLAST racing around the Gaslamp Quarter searching for clues to get points, and win an A. Jaffe $14,000 diamond engagement ring.

Bad news? We didn’t win. Good news….all is not lost! A. Jaffe is hosting a facebook photo contest! They took our photobooth shots and put them in a Facebook album. The couple with the most “likes” wins a gorgeous diamond heart-shaped pendant! PLEASE go cast your “like” and help us win! I promise our photos are up there on the cute scale…and we would be so excited to win SOMETHING! ANYTHING! Lol. Click here to be re-directed to our photo and you’re one “like” away from being on our list of favorite things! If you really love us, you can hit that snazzy “Share” button, and invite your friends to help us too! Make sure, if you do share, to let people know to click the link from your page to get to the photo….or the vote won’t count!

The challenge was too much fun.

Game Face! I’m kind of a beast! WIN! WIN! WIN!

Note to self…even if you’re gonna run until your sweat clouds your vision….a little tinted moisturizer coulda worked wonders here! #pickygirlproblems

LOVE HIM! And her…lol.


Killer Couple ❤


The official event photographer, Liz James put together a slideshow on YouTube with tons of fun and hilarious action shots you can check out here!

In all honesty, no one really walked away a loser. This was a totally free event…free shirts, radio stations were out playing music and doing giveaways, the Tin Fish restaurant catered amazing food for everyone after the race and kept the cold water bottles coming, and Ben Bridge gave us all swag bags! Re-usable swag tote bags with free stuff (you know I love me some free stuff!), and the fun Sean and I had working together made it all worth it(even though he was a littttle pissed that we forgot to get more change for the parking meter and kinda got a ticket. Oops. I’ll be paying that on Friday. Damn City regulations. Who allows only 2 hrs at a time for paid parking, anyways!?!?!). Not to mention….killer trial run for the Del Mar Mud Run next weekend! Try and stop me!!!!

Speaking of which, I got an awesome present in the mail from my dad today….


I have wanted one of these nifty contraptions for quite some time now, but have been too cheap to buy myself one. My dad decided to be nice and sent me one that they gave him on the ship for free, and I am so excited to use it on Cowle’s Mountain, hiking in Julian, and maybe even for the SD Half Marathon! I LOVE THIS STUFF! And you’re talking about a girl who lives for Forever 21 Sales, glitter nail polish, and red lipstick. What a difference a year and 105 lbs makes, huh?

I think that is all for now, but I wanted to check in quickly and let you all know what I have been up to. Looks like someone you know may be on television soon…but more on that later. Just know it’s a BIG show, and could be a BIG deal!

I shall leave you with this photo, of something Sean and I encountered downtown this weekend on our way to the race:

Yeah. That just happened.

A guy was walking his dog…except, his dog can run his own barbie car. As if that wasn’t great enough? He has personalized plates. My kinda guy!

Thank you everyone for all the love and support, and pleeeeeease vote for Sean and I! It’d be awesome to win the diamond pendant!

Here’s to a wonderful rest of the week…we deserve it!

‘Til Next Time!



Run Like Someone is Chasing You.

Ok, so I have two big runs coming up in the future, both near and far.

As I was running on the treadmill today, I realized that I am slightly terrified. I mean, I am sweating gallons trying to run constantly without the 2:2 intervals anymore…and so far, I am succeeding for the most part. I need the occasional minute or two to speedwalk…just to regulate my heart rate and catch my breath!

Here is what I am trying to do:

But still….I am doing the Del Mar Mud Run in less than a month…and that’s 3 miles that I want to run as much as I possibly can….in mud! You can check out the event here. I will not only be getting dirty (and I mean, I don’t LIKE being dirty. I just barely accepted being ridiculously sweaty, for crying out loud), but I have to try to make decent time in my first actual running event, you know! It’s about having fun…but for me, it’s also about accomplishing something I have always wanted to be good at.

On the 22nd of this month, Sean and I will be competing in the Ben Bridge Diamond Dash. While this is not an actual run, I still feel it warrants mentioning, because it’s basically a big San Diego scavenger hunt to find a $14,ooo diamond ring! Yeah, you read that right. $14,000 diamond engagement ring. Nice to know someone can still be super generoud for no reason in this economy, right?!?! So, Sean and I applied as a team and were accepted…and Alex and Josh did too! This will be fun! You can check out the Diamond Dash here, and if you’re in San Diego, Portland, OR or Los Angeles…you should apply to be a part of the chaos and fun!

The most important race I have to train for is the San Diego Half Marathon next year, in March. 13,1 miles of determination. Check out the crazy awesome interactive course map here….and wish me luck!! Also, if you’re in the area and want to participate….the more the merrier!

I am still trying to figure out whether I will try to wiggle in my excess skin removal surgery before then, or just keep training and go in strong…and do the surgery around Spring Break time after the race. It seems the general consensus is that 4-6 weeks off will be necessary to recover, and I just don’t wanna lose that kind of time pre-race.

I feel like these running events are something I’d really enjoy doing a few times a year to keep me motivated, and to keep me proud of myself…and for that, I am excited and thrilled!

But man….when I’m that treadmill? I just feel sort of like dying. Thank goodness for my Workout Mix, chock full o’ hip hop, and Glee tracks!!!

In other news, Sean and I have began Sunday juicing, and we buy TONS of fresh fruit and veggies. We made almost 200 oz of juice this past weekend, and I bought these awesome carafes at Bed, Bath and Beyond and brought one to Ashley. That is our new breakfast/energy boost….complete with a sprinkling of chia seeds! It’s good to know I am getting my fruits and veggies, and the energy level is definitely there…so it’s great!

I am still a smoothie girl! Check out this AWESOME infographic I found on pinterest:

Admit it. It’s amazing!

This infographic led me to a new blog/site that I am currently obessed with! SuperSkinnyMe. Another awesome post on there is the Beginner’s Running Program, that is a must-read if you have any type of running aspirations: whether you are trying to get back into running, or you’re like me, and just forming a new addiction!

Another awesome infographic I found on SSM?

Running 101…we can ALL use this!

I am certainly going to do my best to implement all this new information in my training from now on. Also, I joined this awesome active/social website called VaVi that lists training clubs and events for your zip code…and I am hoping to find a group nearby that will motivate me to hit the pavement on the weekends for further training, as well!

This should be fun!

I think that’s the juice as far as updates are concerned. I think I’ll have new 30- day photos up this weekend…and we shall see how that goes!

I hope everyone is having an amazing week so far, and that it continues to be such!

I shall leave you with a smile:



‘Til Next Time!