Whole30…Day 2

Ok, guys.

I’m not dead, I’m not starving, and I don’t even feel cranky. 

I resolved to take melatonin when I got home from my night shift to ensure I got more sleep than I’ve been getting. Part of the reason for this, was that I had a massive headache in my left temple region when I got home! 

I slept until about 2:30 pm, laid lazily for about an hour, and then headed down to the kitchen to make some food…already doing better than yesterday! 

I prepped some chopped and par-sautéed zucchini and summer squash on Friday, so I grabbed some of that, some crumbled chicken Italian sausage (the fact that I have THREE types of chicken sausage in my house right now is hilarious to me), some shallots, and some eggs…and made a scramble! 

I topped it with some roasted tomatillo salsa from Trader Joes and it was SO GOOD! 

It’s weird, because you know, being half Italian and all-around human, I generally consider cheese a given in a scramble. I didn’t even miss it. 

I went to a paid marketing group before work, but when I got to work at 9:45, I had 15 mins to whip up some food from the cooler bag I bring and keep here on my work days. I had some chopped rotisserie chicken, some sliced avocado with fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper, and grabbed a nectarine too. 

Now, it’s almost 3 am and time for Meal 3, and I’m not starving. I’m going to have some of my chicken and apple sausage I grilled last week, and some melon chunks with some bell pepper strips.

While I’m not really missing the sweets I craved hardcore at work recently, I won’t lie…I stared at my gummy vitamins EXTRA hard today and considered taking seconds. 

I didn’t do it…but I definitely thought about it! Doesn’t seem out of place on Day 2, but I’m looking forward to when that’s not such an issue. 

At the market research study, they had a table full of snack mix and sodas…I grabbed a cup of water and didn’t even pine for the sugary canned goodness…although I’ve never been much of a soda fan outside of ginger ale and Diet Coke anyways. 

I’m late posting this, but mainly because I have time to do it now, and something to actually report! 

Today I weighed myself and had Sean take some “before” photos for me. No more scale until the 30 days is over! 

Check in soon! 

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